(On Friday Nancy brought up a dozen pink roses for Aasha.)
Yesterday (April 18) was Aasha's 18th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
Wow, the years have really rolled by fast. I can still remember when we would play dolls together as little little kids. And it seems as though it was yesterday.
On Friday night We took Aasha, Phil, Nancy and Cathy out to dinner at Cachina-Cachina's. (its an Italian resturant in Issaquae)We had to wait almost 1 hour to get a table for our group size. But while we were waiting a magician came by and showed us a few tricks. And than blew up an oragne ballone dog for Aasha. While we were waiting for our diner to come Aasha opened her presents. She got a really cute brown shirt, with some brown pants and a blue jacket to match. And than she got $175, so that she can go get her a new coat for when she goes off to college. And than she can also buy herself a couple shirts too.
After dinner all of the waiters and waitresses came over and gave Aasha a big bowl of icecream and sang her Happy Birthday in Italina. It was pretty cool. Before going home we walked around the lake thats behind Cachina-Cachina's.
The next day we all woke up early and went on a little day trip. We all knew where we were going accept for Aasha. She didnt guess where we were going untill we got to a gas station close to where we were going. We went up north and were going to go to the Tulip festival. ( In these pictures She really isn't standing by Tulips, its a feild of dafadils that were on the side of the road.)

(This one really is a Tulip)

But instead we just meandered around some of the old towns. It was so goregous up there. We went into one antique store and there was an artist in there who was making name posters for free. So Aasha, Tyra and Hanna got one. It was pretty cool watching him. Than we went to the Mount Vernnon street fair, where we got lunch. After that we went down to Dessption pass, walked around the beach. It was a ton of fun.
To get off of the Island we took a farry boat. But we had to wait in a really long line to get onto the farry. Well i had to go to the bathroom really bad, so Aasha, dad and i got out at the top of the hill and figured that we would just walk down to the car afterwards because the line was moving so slow. Well we didnt find a bathroom. Because shortly after we got out the line started moving pretty fast and dad was scared that we were going to miss the boat. So we started running as fast as we could to catch up with mom and the kids. I made it to the car first about 5 minutes before Aasha and dad got to it. But thats only because shortly after i got in the car the line started moving again and they had to run farther.