So much happened on trek that I could not possibly ever tell you everything. So I'm just gonna give a day by day description. OK?
Now lets start...
Wednesday~ Everyone met up in some place on a really hot and sunny hill to eat lunch and find out who our trek families were gonna be. I was put into the best family EVER!!!!!!! My ma was Tonya (Tony) and my pa was Lee Young. I had 4 brothers- Mike, Jared, Anthony and Cameron. Each one of them were super fun to be with, they were all always happy and they were very very very strong. I had 4 sisters- Adrianna, Emily, Chelsey and Amanda. Who were equally fun to hang with and equally very strong. The fist day we had to hike 13.2 miles. Or at least my company (Yellow- Kimball) did. There were two other companies Green/Blue Grant and the Red Huntington, they accidentally took the wrong road and had to travel a few extra miles. By the end of the day, we were all very tired and very worn out. I don't think that a stale roll and hot chicken broth has ever tasted so good in my life.
Thursday~ We woke up and ate a nasty oatmeal. (but of coarse i have never liked any cereal, so to eat oatmeal for breakfast was horrible.) Then two boys from every family were chosen to be apart of the Mormon Battalion. Our two younger brothers, Anthony and Cameron chose to go. I didnt really realize how strong they were until they were gone. That same day we did what was called a Women's pull. Where just the girls would pull the handcart, up 2 hills. Occasionally our ma's would help and sometimes some random lady who you don't know would come help push the cart and then dissapre. I don't know how, but for some reason this pull didn't seem any harden then when the whole family was there. (That day we hiked 6 miles) That afternoon we made it to a big open grassy field... The Salt Lake Valley. When we got there we ate oranges- which tasted sooooooo good. Then we played pioneer games, ate scones, drake pink lemonade and washed our hair. Or at least some people did, i didn't want to, because my hair doesn't braid. Then that night we had a hoedown.
Friday/Trek Sabbath~ This was the day that we got to put on a fresh new pair of cloths. It felt soooooooooo incredibly good!!! We went down to the stage for a little while, then we split off into company R.S and Priesthood. After that we had age group classes. Then we went to family council time. Next we went out into the woods, by our selves, for solo time. It was 3 hours where we got to read letters written to us by our families and write in our journals or read a church magazine or the sciptures. But Solo time was soon re-named as "Bug War." We made dinner as a family and then went back down to the stage for a testimony meeting.
Saturday~ This day we only had to hike 3 miles out and it was mostly easy we were told. But this day was the hardest out of all of the days for me. I had some really bad blisters on both of my feet that had popped. I could hardly walk on them, my stomach hurt I had a headache and I had a 102/103 temp. I was told i was not allowed to help push the cart. And then after 20 minutes of hiking behind my family, my ma and the Trek nurse felt like it was not good for me to be out in the heat hiking. So they made me ride in the first aid car the rest of the way down. Telling my family good-bye was the hardest thing ever. I couldn't stop crying, which was probably really bad considering i was also really dehydrated. But we all made it down the mountain safe and happy, so all was good.
Now most people would say that pushing a 500 pound cart for 22.2 miles up and down really steep and extremely rocky hills in a pioneer dress on very little food, drinking water out of a dusty cup in the heat for 4 days... well they wouldn't really say that's alot of fun... But to me, i think it was the best experience of my life. And i hope to go back many more times.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Summer Vacation
~The Friday (26th) after school got out my family left for our first stop on our 1.5week vacation. We stopped at my Aunt Lilli's new house. And while there we got to meet her new fiancee!!!!!!!!!!...Rex Fraiser. The two of them are sooooooooooooooooo cute together!!!!!!!!!!!!
~The next morning we left for our 12 HOUR DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to Idaho Falls/Ucon area. My aunt Christen my uncle John and their three boys Ryan, Joshua and Jonathan live up there. When we got there my cousin Jessica her husband Camron and their super cute baby Jude (2 months old) were there, alon with her two friends Clarissa and Loral-both sisters and are going to BYUI. Then there was my cousin Mariah and her boyfriend Eric.
Baby Jude
Mariah and Jessie
Dad and Jude
~The first day (saturday) we spent talking and eating and cutting hair and more talking and eating and laughing and eating and talking. The next day (sunday) We went to church. Because i was the only one that would be going to Young Women's, and i was having a hard time finding where they meet, my mom let me go to Gosple Doctrine with everyone else and then Relif Society. I think i like YW's better. After church we went to a park for lunch. My aunt Christen, Hanna, Tyra and I had fun swinging high on the swings and Christen and I had fun jumping off. Then we played softball/baseball. I GOT 4 HOMERUN'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole gang after a game of baseball/softball at the park
Jessie, Mariah holding Jude and Dede
~On Monday Christen, Mom, Dad, Dede, Aasha and I went and got a tour around the BYUI campus from Clarissa and Loral. That night i won the Bum-Bumming contest on the trampoline. I got 112 bum-bum's Than Tuesday we went shoping. I won the ugliest shirt contest at Ross, and then we took Dede to the bus station. We keft Wednesday morning for a 5 hour ride out to Kuna. (right outside of Boise)
~That night we went over to Paige's mom and dad's house. There was a concert across feield in the back of their house, and after the concert they were going to set of fireworks. While we were waiting we had a tong of fun playing around with pop and my camera.
(july 1st)

And then we had fun watching the fireworks...
At the end of the finalli, something went wrong and the whole street caught on fire. It was totally unexpected and we had a ton of fun watching it. And watching the little kids run around yelling..."FIRE!FIRE!FIRE!"
~ The next day my dad and Clair took all of us kids and teens to the dollar theater to watch the movie "Earth." And then we went over to some friends of the families (actually they are really just like family to us) Rob and Decembers sot the kids could go swiming and have dinner. Mom and Lilli also worked on Marissa's, Alicia's and my trek dresses.
~ Next day was soooooooooooooooooo hot so we went to the park for lunch.
The kids went swiming, Marissa and Aasha walked around the park and Alicia and I got drenched with water, layed on the ground reading books and played life together. That night we played "BF" all night long, and were pretty hipper.
~FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!!!! We went shopping for a little then we went over to Rob and December's again.
While all the kids and teens were in the pool...
I helped cute chicken, fruites, made carmel corn and helped make a spinich dip. Then we ate a ton and talked even more, ate some more, made homemade rootbeer and icecream, watched fireworks...
...ate and talked and talked some more. And then we all went home around midnight.
~Sunday morning Mom, Dad, Hyram, Tyra, Hanna, Aasha, Marissa, Alicia and I all left in our eight passenger car for our 8 hour and 9 minute drive back to North Bend, Washington.
And i am glad to say that we all made it... ALIVE!!!!!!!!!
~The next morning we left for our 12 HOUR DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to Idaho Falls/Ucon area. My aunt Christen my uncle John and their three boys Ryan, Joshua and Jonathan live up there. When we got there my cousin Jessica her husband Camron and their super cute baby Jude (2 months old) were there, alon with her two friends Clarissa and Loral-both sisters and are going to BYUI. Then there was my cousin Mariah and her boyfriend Eric.
Baby Jude

Mariah and Jessie

Dad and Jude

~The first day (saturday) we spent talking and eating and cutting hair and more talking and eating and laughing and eating and talking. The next day (sunday) We went to church. Because i was the only one that would be going to Young Women's, and i was having a hard time finding where they meet, my mom let me go to Gosple Doctrine with everyone else and then Relif Society. I think i like YW's better. After church we went to a park for lunch. My aunt Christen, Hanna, Tyra and I had fun swinging high on the swings and Christen and I had fun jumping off. Then we played softball/baseball. I GOT 4 HOMERUN'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole gang after a game of baseball/softball at the park

Jessie, Mariah holding Jude and Dede



~On Monday Christen, Mom, Dad, Dede, Aasha and I went and got a tour around the BYUI campus from Clarissa and Loral. That night i won the Bum-Bumming contest on the trampoline. I got 112 bum-bum's Than Tuesday we went shoping. I won the ugliest shirt contest at Ross, and then we took Dede to the bus station. We keft Wednesday morning for a 5 hour ride out to Kuna. (right outside of Boise)
~That night we went over to Paige's mom and dad's house. There was a concert across feield in the back of their house, and after the concert they were going to set of fireworks. While we were waiting we had a tong of fun playing around with pop and my camera.
(july 1st)
And then we had fun watching the fireworks...
At the end of the finalli, something went wrong and the whole street caught on fire. It was totally unexpected and we had a ton of fun watching it. And watching the little kids run around yelling..."FIRE!FIRE!FIRE!"
~ The next day my dad and Clair took all of us kids and teens to the dollar theater to watch the movie "Earth." And then we went over to some friends of the families (actually they are really just like family to us) Rob and Decembers sot the kids could go swiming and have dinner. Mom and Lilli also worked on Marissa's, Alicia's and my trek dresses.

~ Next day was soooooooooooooooooo hot so we went to the park for lunch.

The kids went swiming, Marissa and Aasha walked around the park and Alicia and I got drenched with water, layed on the ground reading books and played life together. That night we played "BF" all night long, and were pretty hipper.
~FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!!!! We went shopping for a little then we went over to Rob and December's again.

While all the kids and teens were in the pool...

I helped cute chicken, fruites, made carmel corn and helped make a spinich dip. Then we ate a ton and talked even more, ate some more, made homemade rootbeer and icecream, watched fireworks...

...ate and talked and talked some more. And then we all went home around midnight.
~Sunday morning Mom, Dad, Hyram, Tyra, Hanna, Aasha, Marissa, Alicia and I all left in our eight passenger car for our 8 hour and 9 minute drive back to North Bend, Washington.
And i am glad to say that we all made it... ALIVE!!!!!!!!!
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