Friday, February 27, 2009

The Best Thing Ever Happend!!!!!!!!

As most of you know, i have self taught myself art for about the last 4 years. Well theres only so much that i can teach myself. So mom and i have been trying our best to find an art teacher who wont charge us $200 or more a month. Well about 2 weeks ago i went babysitting for the first time for a lady in our ward, Sister Hays. Well i found out that she is an art major. And so mom went up to her the next sunday and asked her if she would be willing to teach me, and guess what she was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well last night we went over to her house to work out the details about it. I showed her some of my art work and she said that for self teaching myself i am really good. And she said that she could teach me a lot. So i will be going two thursdays out of the month for an hour to and hour and a half and the best part is that she's only going to charge us $15 an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus she also agreed to swap my babysitting for some art lessons. Which is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a couple samples of my art work...

(This picture i did in the fifth grade for a guy in my ward, Brother Howel. He asked me to paint it for him for a christmas gift to his wife. He paid me $50 for it. It was my first picture that i sold. I was so happy for myself.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Homemade Bread

On monday night i decided to teach Tyra how to make some homeade bread. It was really fun but really messy. She did most of the stirring, while i pourd most of the ingredients in. We had a little bit of problems with the flour. It kind of got everywhere. But we had a great time working together.

I made the mistake in letting Tyra start kneeding the dough too early. We hadent mixed enough flour into it, so it was all over her hands. But she thought it was really fun to dig her hands into a sticky mess.

ymmmmm...doesnt this look deliciouse!

You want some?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A New Hair Cut!!!!!!!

Yeah! Today mom picked me up from school and took me to get my hair cut. I got it styled after Reese Witherspoon's haircut fromt the movie, "Sweet Home Alabama."

Although it is about 1 1/2- 2 inches longer than her's is. I wasnt quite brave enough to go that short. But I do like it. Mom says that its my most dramatic haircut that i have ever had. After i got my hair cut and we were driving home she told me that i look about 2 or 3 years older. But Aasha thinks differently she thinks it makes me look 4-5 years older! Oh well, I like it and that's all that really matters. So what do you think?

(this is the front)

(and this is the back)

Joyeux Mardi Gras!!!!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Sacrament Talk

So yesterday, was, "Morrill Sunday". Myself, Aasha, Moma and Dad (we gave them in that order) were all asked to give talks on service. As most of you know, i have horrible stage fright. So when i got up to give my talk, i could hardly read the words on my page. I turned all red, i couldnt look up from my paper, and i could read. And what i did read, i read mighty fast, leaving alot of time for everyone else.
Here's my talk...
"'When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.'
(Mosiah 2:17)

Thomas S. Monson gave a talk at Ricks College on January 14, 2001, Entitled Three Gates Only You Can Open, He said…
'Years ago, I discovered a thought which is true. It is this: The gate of history swings on small hinges, and so do people’s lives. I have chosen to discuss three gates which you alone can open. You must pass through each gate if you are to be successful in your journey through mortality:
• The Gate of Preparation.
• The Gate of Performance.
• The Gate of Service.'
And then he goes on to tell a story,
'I witnessed such an act of service one Sunday as I attended the sacrament meeting of a small branch which consisted of patients in a nursing home. Most of the members were elderly and somewhat incapacitated. During the meeting, a sister called out aloud, “I’m cold! I’m cold!” Without a moment’s hesitation, one of the priests at the sacrament table arose and walked over to this sister, removed his own suit coat, placed it around her shoulders, and then returned to his duties at the sacrament table. After the meeting, this young man came to me and apologized for blessing the sacrament without his suit coat. Quietly I said to him that he was never more appropriately dressed than he was that day when a dear widow was uncomfortably cold and he provided the warmth she needed by placing his jacket around her shoulders. A simple act of kindness? Yes, but much more: a genuine love and concern for others.”
Albert Schweitzer, a noted theologian and missionary physician said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.'
Throughout my life I have been able to perform many little acts of service like cleaning up biking trails, or racking leaves for others, cleaning the toys in the nursery, baking, clean house, donate to a book, toy or money donation, service scavenger hunts and many more things. And I have received lots of little acts of service. Like a friendly smile in the hall, or a fun email, letters in the mail, a nice compliment, someone listens to me, or will except me for who I am. Even though these don’t seem like anything special, it helps my day to seem so much brighter.

In the Hymn 'I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go' It says…
'It may not be on the mountain height
Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle’s front
My Lord will have need of me.
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know,
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine:
I’ll go where you want me to go.'"

Can you believe it! One Whole Year!

Yes i know. A whole year has gone by and, on Friday the 27th, Grandma and Grandpa will be all done with their mission at Camp Nisquallie. It just seems like last week that we went down to the camp to check it out.
Travailing down to the camp ground...

Grandma and Granpa rebuilt and made this map of the camp ground. It's the first thing that you see when you drive into the camp.

Grandma and Grandpa own this small trailer that they use to store their food storage and washer and dryer. They're porch connects the two trailers together. Well they don't want to take it with them to Idaho, so they decided to donate it to the camp for a new Office. Grandpa decided to do some exterior work to it so that it could look a little nicer. Well he made it look just like a small log cabin. And let me tell you it is just as cute could ever be. Just see for yourself...

Well we went up to see them on Saturday. And it was a nice day. We built a fire down at the pavilion. Grandma made some Delicious Chili and we roasted hot dogs. We talked, laughed, had a great time, ate and ate and ate, and we also tried our best to hide form the smoke of the fire.

There is this myth that if you were to stick a plastic cup on a fire with water in it the cup would not catch on fire. But eventually the water would boil. So we decided to try this out. We had no plastic cups, so we tried it out with a half empty water bottle. The lid popped off, and than the bottle melted half way down. And than it split open, and than we were able to clearly see the water boil. It was actually pretty cool. I tried to get some pictures, It didn't work out all that great...

While we were there, Grandma recived a big package. On Grandma and Grandpa's Kirkland, Ohio mission they made really good friends with a couple that live down there. She would collect dolls, and decorate her house with them. Grandma says that she had them all up her staircase, and in baby carages, and on shelves, bed, couches and dressers. One of them reminded Grandma of ME when i was about two years old. And she told that. My Grandma absolutly loved that doll. Well she passes away this last year. But Grandma and Grandpa still keep in contact with him. In his Christmas letter to them he told them that he was going to send them a gift. And guess what was in the package? Well you probibly can already guess. Yes it was the doll that remeinded Grandma of me. She held would hold it exactly like she would hold me when we would watch "Cinderella" five time a day when i was two.

How much more do you think could fit?

So we have the DI truck at our church this week. Last Friday Dad and Hyram took the two back seats out of the van and than loaded it up as much as they could. I dont think they could of fit anything else in. It was that full!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

There's still more to do...

So do you remember how i started a quilt? Well I finally polled it out of my bag so that i could do some more work to it. Mom helped me choose out two diffrent types of materials so that i could put on two boarders. Wednesdeay we went Joann's to pick up some batting. Last night we did the math and cut the strips out. And than today she taught me how to sew them on. Next week my Grandma and Grandpa Patteson will be all finished with their mission up at Camp Nesquallie, so they are going to come up to our house and stay here for a month before moving to Idaho, Where they can be closer to their son, and my Uncle John. Well my Grandma (actually both of them) loves to quilt. And while my Grandma is here she's going to help me put the quilt on aquilting frame and than shes going to help me sew the top half to the batting and the back. I cant wait! So far it looks really cute! (if i dont say so myself) But no truly it does. See for yourslf!...

What do ya think?

Needles, Threads and Hoops

This week Hyram, Tyra, Hanna and I are on Mid- Winter's Break. Aasha still has BCC, Mom works in the morning, and Dad works all day. So Between 9-12:30 am, us four are here alone. Hanna and Tyra one day started complaining that they just did not know what to do. So mom opened the world of needle-point to them. And they absolutely love it! Tyra just finished hers last night, its got grass and about 6 colorful flowers on it. Hanna finished one of an ice cream cone and than started a second last night. Its amazing how fast they have picked up on all this. They are so slow and steady, and they make sure to always be doing it just perfect. The end product looks absolutely gorgeous!

Hanna works diligently

Tyra is careful not to stab herself

YUMMMM! Looks good enough to eat!

Arnt they just beautiful!

Lovely, Simply Lovely!