It looked kind of interesting and the description of it sounded OK. Aasha a few of my friends have read her book, " 13 Little blue Envelopes"

and said that is was one of the best books ever. So i decided to try it out. The beginning starts out kind of weird, and it slowly gets weirder and weirder but in an interesting capturing Way. And than in the middle it gets really cute and very capturing. But than everything seems to get really really horrible for the main character Scarlett and her family. but than it ends OK. Not how i would of liked it too, i actually didn't care much for the ending but it ended OK. But all and all i loved this book. Yes it took me forever to read, but i loved it. The last two days i could hardly tare my eyes away from it, and every time i would finish a chapter i would either get really happy and start squealing, or get mad at one of the characters and would scream. Just ask Hyram, Tyra and Hanna, i got all of them interested. So if anyone is looking for a really good book to read, one that has a ton of action, excitement, and romance than i strongly suggest "Suite Scarlett."
This is what the flap on the inside of the book says about the book...
"When the Martins turn fifteen, they are each expected to take over the care of one of the Hopewell’s rooms. For Scarlett’s fifteenth birthday, she gets both a room called the Empire Suite, and a permanent guest named Mrs. Amberson. Scarlett doesn’t quite know what to make of this C-list starlet, world traveler, and aspiring autobiographer who wants to take over her life. Where Mrs. Amberson goes, things tend to happen.
When Scarlett meets Eric, an impossibly gorgeous actor, her summer takes a second unexpected turn. Eric has just moved to New York, and is a fellow cast member in a production of Hamlet that may just save Spencer’s career . . . if it ever makes it to the stage. Scarlett’s unsteady relationship with Eric may be best thing that’s ever happened to her, or it may undo the most important relationship in her life.
Before the summer is over, Scarlett will have to survive a whirlwind of thievery, Broadway glamour, romantic missteps, serious mishandling of unicycles, and theatrical deception. And every element and person in Scarlett’s life will converge in one night that will make or break them all . . .
The show, as they say, must always go on."
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