Morgan died on Thursday, March 12. She was fighting lung cancer for about three weeks before she passed away. Early Thursday morning doctors told Morgan's parents, Heather and Jason, that there was nothing else that doctors could do for her, and that she would never be able to leave the hospitals. Her parents gave her the choice to either live her life in a hospital hooked up to machines or to unhook and slowly pass away. She chose to unhook. Later that night she turned to her mom and asked her if she was going to die that night, and her mother replied, "Yes. Yes you are."
"Although she lost her life Morgan never lost her love of life, her friends, her family and the world. she was and is a angel! Those of us who knew her are, and will always be, inspired by her warrior spirit, her kind heart and the gentle smile she had for everyone, we will never forget." -Written by her mother
I first met Morgan in first grade. About half way through the year she moved in and was in my class. During lunch recess i noticed her standing all by herself so i went over to her and asked her if she would like to play with me and my friends. She kicked me and than ran off. During the last recess of the day she came over to me and apologized for kicking me and asked if she was still welcomed to play with me. We have been great friends ever since. In second grade while she was over one weekend for a sleepover we decided to make some oatmeal raisin cookies. We were having so much fun pretending that we were amazing cooks that we didn't pay too much attention to the directions or the amounts of the ingredients. We actually were actually pretty good until...we got to the baking powder. Instead of adding 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder, we added 3 table spoons. We put one batch in the oven, and it looked beautiful and pretty normal. When we brought them out they still looked beautiful and normal, but they were cemented to the cookie sheet. We ended up throwing the cookie sheet away. After that we always made sure to very carefully read the directions.
For one of Aasha's birthday's we went to Illusions. Mom told me that i could invite one friend, so i invited Morgan. We went on a ride called the Froggy Hop. I remember freaking out the whole time but Morgan laughed her head off for the entire ride. Later we went into the lazier tag room. This room was two stories, and had a haunted house theme. Ghosts and witches would pop out on you, scary music was playing, fog was all over the room, and besides the occasional bright flashing lights the room was pretty much very dark. Aasha and her friend Crystal were having a blast tagging each other, while Morgan and i sat in a corner together scared to move... We both kind of lost that round.
Morgan came over almost every weekend for a sleepover and when she didn't come to my house i would go to hers. We spent almost every minute we had together in Elementary school. She was such a happy person, she smiled all the time and laughing constantly. Even when she was having a hard time she would put all of her worries and trials aside to worry about mine. She was always there to talk to and she knew exactly how to make me happy and laugh. I cant remember a single time where we both wernt rolling on the ground laughing together. She was my greatest friend.
If i had to choose one symbol that would represent Morgan it would be a sun. The sun rises every day giving happiness to everyone. It always starts the day out with beautiful pastel colors that start the day out right. And it closes the day with bright vibrant colors that surround everyone with love and peace. Morgan never started a single day without smiling at herself in the mirror. She said that she always did this to make sure that her smile still works. Morgan would smile at every one and say hi to everyone that she met. She would welcome everyone into her life and make them feel so loved. She came up to me many times giving me a hug and telling me that i am gorgeous. When i would ask her why she did that, she would always reply, "Because its the truth and i just thought that you needed to know that."
Morgan is one of the greatest friends that i have ever had, and i am so blessed to have known her.
I am so sorry! What a wonderful friend, and how very hard to lose someone like that. Those kinds of people really shine their light around, don't they? I hope you are doing okay.
I totally agree with you. She did represent the sun. She always made my day happier by her laughter.
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