I am now a Jr. at Mount Si High School. I am taking seven classes a day, i have morning seminary at six am!!! This means im up by four am, crazy, right? Then i go to the high school to take geometry with Mrs. Slecta, Chemistry with Mr. Hagler, Health with Mrs. Backstrom, U.S. History with Mr. D'Ambrosio, French 3 with Mme. Daudurand (we all call her Karine) and then American Literature with Mrs. Young-Blanchard. It's not the funnest schedule but it works, right? I am still taking art lessons with Beth Hays; and i have just recently just finished a cake decorating class for beginners at Micheal's Craft store. It was soooo much fun!
Aasha has finished her first year of college, and will be starting back up in January; which in her opinion isn't coming fast enough. Until then she works two jobs. She works at Kids and Baby Gap and Nine West (a shoe store).
Hyram is in seventh grade. He is in the regular concert band and jazz band; and he plays two instruments the trombone and the baritone. He is also really enjoying his trombone lessons every Saturday morning.
Tyra is in fifth grade and thoroughly loving it. Her old piano teacher went off to collage so now she is taking piano lessons from Sister Espanoza from the North Bend ward. She says its a little challenging but you can really hear some talent when she plays.
Hanna is in fourth grade and eating up all that she can learn in school. She is especially excited to be starting up violin lessons from one of my good church friends Katy Crowley.
Diana Whitlock moved out and now we have my cousin on my dad's side of the family living with us, Russell Hansen. He works at Jiffy lube.
As for recent news in my family we are all very excited because on the 22 of this month my Grandma Morrill will be coming up to live with us for one whole month!!! She will be here for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. And then to make news two times better my Grandma and Grandpa Patteson will be coming up for Christmas!!! Could my family be any more excited or happier? (hahaha) So as of now my mom is fixing up the laundry room for my Grandma Morrill to stay in and she has been busy for the past few weeks making homemade curtains for the living room, dinning room, Hyram's room and the laundry room; and might i say that she is doing a splendid job!!! My dad is constantly busy building fires to keep me warm (thank you dad!) working and he is fixing up a Volvo that he just bought for his new commuter car in the winter.
This will be it for now but i promise to write soon! Good night!
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