Monday, March 9, 2009

New Back Porch

Allot you already know that my Grandpa Patteson loves to work with wood. And that he and my Grandma are staying with us right now. Well mom and dad have decided to fill up all of his time with little things. Like new plumbing, trimming and building a new back porch. Mom, Dad and Grandpa all sat down together one night looking at millions of different ideas for railings and stairs. They all worked together to come up with a nice simple idea, draw it out and come up with a price estimate. Than the next morning Dad and grandpa went down to the hardware store to buy the supplies. While Hyram stayed home tarring the back steps apart. I'm not even kidding you it took him less than five minutes to do that. He had a blast doing that. That afternoon Grandpa and Hyram started to build it. And than every day while we were all at school and work Grandpa would come up to our house and work on it a little. It took him about three days to finish it, but it looks absolutely gorgeous.

Grandpa finished just before the snow came, but the day after (Thursday) it got covered in snow, as you can see.
This Finished Product...

What do you think?

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